Friday, May 13, 2016

A Mother's Story

                           A Mother's Story   
About ten years ago I lived in another state where i no longer what to be there.So i moved to Ohio where i knew no one.Soon after i moved to Ohio I had a Heart Attack.I am in a state where i knew no and had no family.So instead of Child Protection Services (CPS).Took my kid away and instead of the protecting my kids til i got out of the Hospital they gave them up for adoption.The reson they said they took my two children on GROUND OF CHILD ABANDONMENT.That was not the case i could not help i got sick.I have not been able to see my kids in ten years no pics no letters not know if they are ok are not.This mother hurts everyday trying to see where she did wrong.A hurting Mother.......

Sunday, May 1, 2016

A little info for family court


Hello and welcome to our blog here we will be posting things to try to help families.We can not let our kids end up in the family court.I fought the family courts for 2 years.I could not afford an attorney and i had no money the CPS told lies after lies.I had one of the best wintess that anyone would want my witness was an ex cheif of police.Just for the judge she did not belive my witness and the state had no witness so i had to live by there rulesl.And do what they want i spend days at the law libary i had no money for copys so i hand wrote the info down so i was in bad shape i was like what can i do.Was court order to have a hair drug test and they went back 90 days and it came back clean just like i knew it was just for CPS to say i was beating their drug test.So lets see i had no money so how could i beat their hair test.Later on in the case CPS found out that they got involved i a bunch of lies and it was a family issue my own flesh and blood was trying to steal my Daughter from a happy and carrying mom and dad what kind of family member would want to do that to someone.My best friend the ex cheif of police that the judge called a lier could not belive what he was seeing corruption at it's max.He would say man how could they be doing this to you i told him i ask my self the same thing.We called news crew after news crew just for them to say we don't get involved in them things the has CPS involved and as i would ask my self why no one wants to hear my story.That made me beat my self up even more.I was fighting a loosing battle is this where it ends 28 years old.Then i hit rock bottom yes my wife was for me but she could do then i said i could not take it anymore my own family.Brought me down then that day came where i just felt i was a failer to my only child then i did it i tryed to take my life but it did not work.I told my self that day that i could not give these people what they want me dead so they could take the only girl in the family so i even fought harder and i told my baby girl that she would be coming home to mommy and daddy soon i started file my own motion that day and i can to court and fight my ❤ out.Like a parent would the courts seen i was doing all my own legal work the courts seen i was not giving up she was coming home well 3 months later we had her home and CPS had to keep the case opened for 280 day and on day 281 the case would be colse.Things was going good we had our baby girl just for CPS to come to my House on day 279 thought they was going to do the home study like they have been doing.We could not get that lucky so on day 279 i told me they was there to take my baby girl again the reson was the home was not big it takes you 7 months to come up with this you could have told us that we had to move before you just come and destroy us again.She told me o well i got her back 6 months later she was back at home.And now she is with me now.She has been back home now for 7years.I know that things get hard and you just want to give up.We can not beat our selfs up.After i tryed to take my life I realized I shouldn't try to take me life it would had just made my family because they got what they want my baby girl.Just for my baby to grow up asking her self every day why did my dad take his life did he not want me what kind of daddy would he have been I wonder did he love me what kind of life i would i had with my dad.So when times get hard and you feel like you hit rock bottom pick your self up and show the corrupted that you can be storger than them.I will be posting info on the Family Court and if i could be a help in any way you can send me a msg on this blog And I will get back with you are if you want someone to talk to we are hear.Had to let people know our story